CfP - Contacts and Intercultural Exchanges

The 22nd International Congress of the French Society for Scottish Studies (SFEE) will be held from Thursday the 16th to Saturday the 18th of November 2023 at the Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Chambéry, Jacob-Bellecombette campus).

Jacob-Bellecombette campus
Photo credit: L. Brancaz-McCartan

This conference will explore the various – often contradictory – facets of contacts between cultural and geographical areas, as well as the intercultural exchanges that can spring from such contacts. The congress committee therefore encourages participants to discuss the socio-cultural, linguistic, literary, historical and political contacts that Scotland has had over the centuries with its neighbours and with the host countries of its diaspora, be they friendly and fraternal or tense and confrontational.

For the full version of the CfP, please click here: Call for Papers

Possible topics for proposals may include, but are not limited to:
- collaborations between Scotland and the United Kingdom
- interactions between Scotland and the Celtic nations
- tensions between Scotland and the United Kingdom
- multilingualism and language contact
- interculturality
- convergences and divergences between various interpretations of Scottish culture
- convergences and divergences between various forms of nationalism
- Scotland’s colonial past
- links between Scotland and its diaspora, including the role played by emigrants in the birth of the Kailyard school
- literary and artistic inspirations and exchanges between Scotland and the world
- Scotland’s nation-brand and its economic impact
- …

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